Monday, January 17, 2011

Too Much Learning Can Paralyze You

Is it possible to learn too much? With so much information that's available and accessible with just a click of a button, it's impossible for any one person to know everything there is to know. While this is true, there is still such a thing as learning too much, to the point where you get paralyzed in terms of taking action. 
Have you ever wanted to achieve a goal and ended up doing tons of research on how to achieve the goal? As you learned more and more, it felt like you knew less and less because when you learned a new concept or strategy, you found that there was a lot more to know about those things.
Often times, people will get stuck in this trap of needing to gather more and more information. There's nothing wrong with learning a lot, but when you let learning get in the way of doing, you will never get going. When you never get going, you still never start having the things you want in life.
A better way to go about achieving a goal is to gather some information and immediately start taking action on what information you have gathered. I realize that many times you will feel unprepared, and that's okay. The best way to learn besides having someone who's done what you want to do show you how to do it is to take action and learn from the results you get from those actions. 
When you are able to get past that initial fear of not being perfect and just take the first step, you will be further ahead than the majority of people who are still in the preparation stage. It's good to be prepared especially in situations such as a pilot and crew making sure the plane is ready to take off, but over preparation in trying to reach a goal won't get you results. Realize that you already have what it takes to get started on your goals. The knowledge and skills you will need will be picked up along the way. 
If a baby wanted to learn how to walk, it will never be able to do it by sitting there and analyzing how to walk. The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up off its behind and start walking. Sure it may fall, but with every fall, it will learn what is working and what is not and adjust to it. By doing this over and over, it will eventually learn to walk. This is the approach you want to take when you want to achieve your goals as well. It works. Look around you, almost everyone knows how to walk. Learning more is great but if all you're doing is learning and not taking action, it's time to change that. Just take the first step!

What do you think about this article. Very good right..Thanks to the written for his brilliant idea 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Avoid A Fashion Victim

FASHION....the favorite word among women. Men also like but not at all. Many people care about their fashion but different excitation I though. I also not very fashionable and just have simple appearance. For those who very like fashion, find out yourselves either you are include the fashion victim or not. Beware if you in this group. It will affected your life ever after. If you want to become economically person but still want to be a fashion person you can do so by follow this steps:

1. Decide if you're wasting too much money on fads, by assessing the last five items you're purchased.

2. If three or more are touted as the season's "must-haves", you're in danger of being a fashion victim.

3. Examine your closet to see if more than half of your wardrobe is already out of style according to your favorite fashion sources.

4. Now, ask yourself if you are buying fashion fads because you really like them or you use them like a fashion security blanket.

5. If you decided you always buy all of the fads because you really like them. you're not telling the truth so you might as well just stop here.

6. If you decide you use fads as a fashion security blanket, follow the next steps.

7. Never wear more than two trends together if possible.

8. Stop referring to your clothing by designer ( the Gucci jacket, the Dior bag ) and just call them by the item name.

9. Before buying your next designer item, ask yourself if you'd like the item if it didn't have the chi chi logo: if yes, then buy it.

10. Never, ever wear your sunglasses indoors.

Are You Always In Tension??

What make you always in this situation. Is it because of a lots of assignment, misunderstood learning in class, tension with straight lecturer and etc. All of these will make us easy  to become angry and border us from doing our beloved activities. But don't worry...these matter we can settle it by follow these ten tips for managing conflict, tension and anger.

1. Share negative emotions only in person or on the phone. 
Emails, answering machine messages, and notes are too impersonal for the delicate nature of negative words. What feels like a bomb on paper feel like a feather when delivered in person.

2. Pepper your responses with the phrase, "I understand".
This phrase will support your goals when the tension is high and you need to find common ground to form compromises or agreements with the other party.

3. Take notice when you feel threatened by what someone is saying to you. 
Resist the temptation to defend yourself or to "shut down" the other person's communication. It will take this kind of discipline to become an open, trusting communicator.

4. Practice making requests of others when you are angry.
It is often much more useful to make a request than to share your anger. For example, if the babysitter is driving you crazy by leaving dirty dishes in the sink, it is better to make a request of them than to let your anger leak out in other ways such as by becoming more distant.

5. Try repeating the exact words that someone is saying to you when they are in a lot of emotional pain or when you disagree with them completely. 
This mirroring technique can keep both the speaker and the listener 'centered' in a difficult conversation, especially when the attitude of the person doing the mirroring is to gain understanding of a different point of view.

6. Take responsibility for your feeling to avoid blaming others.
Notice when 'blameshifting' begins to leak into your speech. "I feel angry when you are twenty minutes late and you don't call me" is much better than, "You make me so mad by being late".

7. Learn to listen to the two sides of the conflict that you are in as if you were the mediator or the counselor.
If you can listen and respond in this way you will bring peace and solutions to the conflict more quickly.

8. Take a playful attitude towards developing the skill of emotional self-control in high conflict situations.
You could view maintaining self-control in a tense, angry conversation as an athletic feat. You could also view developing this skill as similar to working out at the gym with weights- the more that you use your self-control muscle the bigger it will grow and the easier it will be to remain calm when tension is great.

9. Wait a few days to cool down emotionally when a situation makes you feel wild with intense feelings, such as rage.
As time passes, you will be able to be more objective about the issues and to sort
 out the situation more clearly.

10. Make a decision to speak with decorum whenever you are angry or frustrated.
If you give yourself permission to blow up, people will not feel safe around you. They will feel that you are not predictable and will carry 'shield' when they are near you. The fear and walls of others will not support your goals for success in relationships or at work.

Study Group VS Study Alone

What do you think about study group. Is it the problem for you to study with your friend. I'm sure some of
you doesn't like study group same with me but not for all subject...Actually study group is the best way to
study efficiently because we can share knowledge together without take much time. Usually, the discussion
only take about 1 hour to understand the learning rather than we study alone at home maybe take several hours...So which one better???

I have some tips for you..

You can use this for your own life

  • Limit the size of your group to three to six students for the best results. Too many voices adds confusion.
  • If you have eight or more students who are interested in group study, simply form two groups and mix the membership from time to time. This will avoid hurt feelings and having a stronger and weaker group.
  • Don't feel you have to limit yourself to study only with your friends. Pick smart people who do homework if your goal is to improve your grades.
  • Establish a regular meeting place and time and encourage each other.
  • Give your group a name. This will give the group a stronger identity and encourage participation.
  • At your first meeting, encourage each member to talk about his or her strengths that will help the group.
  • Take turns acting as group moderator, to keep the conversation on topic. The moderator should speak up if the conversation drift too far from assignments.
  • Predict test questions and quiz each other.
  • Create a code word or prize for good ideas. Everyone likes to receive a pat on the back. Come up with a special word or small reward to congratulate group members when they come up with a "zinger"
  • Come up with a friendly word for members who are slacking off. Use it as a warning to encourage them to pull  their weight !